Scan Job
3E20 POP3 server communication timeout Ask your administrator that the POP3 server
works properly and the LAN cable is
connected to the server.
3E30 POP3 login error Ask your administrator that the POP3 user
name and password is set correctly.
3F00, 3F10,
3F20, 3F30,
File I/O error Ask the sender to resend the E-mail. If the
error still occurs, contact your service
Error Code Message Corrective Action
2C10, 2C12,
Illegal Job status A system error has occurred during sending
an E-mail. Retry it. If the error still occurs,
contact your service representative.
2C11, 2C62 Not enough memory Make sure there is enough memory to send
the scan job.
2C14 Invalid parameter specified Make sure you specify the settings correctly
and try again.
2C15 Message size exceeded limit or
maximum size
You are sending too many documents at a
time. Send your documents separately.
2C30 Failed to create directory Make sure that the access privilege to the
storage directory is writable and the server or
local disk has a sufficient space. Then retry
the scan.
2C31, 2C33 Failed to create file Make sure that the access privilege to the
storage directory is writable and the server or
local disk has a sufficient space. Then retry
the scan.
2C32 Failed to delete file Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Retry
the scan.
2C40 Failed to convert image file format Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Retry
the scan. If the error still occurs, contact your
service representative.
2C61 Failed to read AddressBook Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Retry
the job in error. Reset the data in the Address
Book and retry it. If the error still occurs,
contact your service representative.
2C63, 2C64 Invalid Domain Address Ask your administrator to set the IP address.
Error Code Cause Corrective Action