Connecting Control Outputs
Each XVSe has 4 Control Outputs. These outputs can be used to trigger devices such as Sirens, Phone Dialers, Lights, and any other relay
activated device. There is no power supplied to the ports. Use an external power supply if necessary.
Use 12V, below 300mA. For controlling lights or other devices, use another external relay.
Maximum voltage is 24V AC @ 1 amp
Output uses a Form C Relay
Looping Outputs
The XVSe has 16 Looping outputs. Depending on the destination of the outputs, each output may have to be terminated. The outputs are
located on the BNC Connector Cable. Attach the cable to the input for the BNC Connector Cable highlighted below.
The video inputs are 75 Ώ BNC connectors. Make sure there is a video source connected to the input and then connect a cable to the Channel
Out on the BNC Connector Cable. The looping outs can be connected to video monitors or combined with adapters to connect to VCR’s.
Siren, Alarm, Outside Relays
External Power Supply (DC 12V)