Strata CT Digital Telephone User Guide November 2001
Features Call Pickup
[DN] Pickup
Picks up ringing or held Directory Numbers.
➤ Press [DN] +
+ [PDN] or [PhDN] that you want to pick up.
Directed Call Pickup
This feature enables you to pick up calls ringing in, or calls held at other stations.
To use directed call pickup
To pick up a ringing Exchange line in a tenant system
Group Pickup
Stations can be assigned in system programming to Pickup Groups. As many as 20 groups can be
created to enable you to easily pick up incoming (new or transferred) or internal calls that are ringing
stations that are in your group or in other groups. This feature does not pickup held calls. You may
belong to more than one group. See your System Administrator for group assignments.
1. Press
...or [DN] +
The directed [PDN] is the Primary Directory Number
of the station that has the ringing or held call that is to
be picked up.
2. Dial directed [PDN]. If more than one call is on hold, the call on the
telephone’s lowest button number is picked up.
Ringing calls are picked up over held calls as a
➤ Press
Pickup 1~4
...or [DN] +
You are connected to a incoming Exchange line call
for a Tenant Group (1~4).
In non-tenant systems,
Directed Pickup1
up any ringing Exchange line.
This feature does not pickup held lines or
transferred Exchange lines that are ringing; use
Directed Call Pickup.