User-Defined Actions
Action Variables
Strata CIX Net Phone UG 04/08 69
System Variables
Net Phone also uses System Variables for Action parameter strings, such as Date and
Time. They can also provide some control over text logging actions with Carriage
Return, Line Feed, Tab, and Random Numbers (for file names.) Note: Many System
Variables duplicate the Action Variables to provide increased compatibility with
legacy applications and 3rd Party Application Notes.
Variable Information
&A Account Number
&B PBX Call ID
&C Insert a Carriage Return character
&D Insert the Date in format: “mm/dd/yy”
&E Insert Extension Number of My Phone
&F ACD Group Name
&G Agent ID
&H Calling Phone Number (hyphenated - type 1)
&J Calling Phone Number (hyphenated - type 2)
&K ACD Group extension number
&L Insert a Line Feed character
&N Calling Party Name (outside calls only)
Insert the Date and/or time in user-specified format
i.e. "&Nhh:mm:ss AM/PM&"
&P Calling Phone Number
&Q Random Variable (6 digits)
&R Random Variable (8 digits)
&T Insert the Time in format: "HH:MM" (24 hour clock). See Note 1.
&U Insert the Time in US format: “H:MM AM/PM”. See Note 1.
&V1 VoIP Ringer Audio device (Soft Phone must be used to use)
&V2 VoIP Headset Audio device (Soft Phone must be used to use)
&X Destination Field (for Export of Call Info)
&Y Call Type ("IC" or "CO"): IC= Intercom call; CO= Outside call.
&t Insert a Tab Character
%% Insert a Percent "%" character
&& Insert an Ampersand "&" character