3 Tests and Diagnostics 3.28 IEEE1394 test program
3.28 IEEE1394 test program
This section describes how to perform the IEEE1394 test with the test program.
Use another computer that can communicate by IEEE1394 (i. Link) cable as a
reference machine to perform this test.
Toshiba MS-DOS is required to run the DIAGNOSTICS TEST PROGRAM. To start the
DIAGNOSTIC TEST PROGRAM, follow these steps:
Insert the Diagnostics disk in the floppy disk drive and turn on the computer.
(The Diagnostics Disk contains the MS-DOS boot files.)
The following menu will appear:
* IEEE1394 [XXXXX] test menu ( For Repair ) V1.00 *
* *
* 1 ....IEEE1394 test *
* *
* 2 ....Responder tool *
* *
* 3 ....ID Check *
* *
.... Press test number[1-3] ?
To execute the TEST, select the test number you want to execute and press Enter.
Subtest 01 IEEE1394 test
Specifies the data size and transfer speed between the responder connected
with a responding cable, and sends and receives data. A dedicated cable for
I-link is necessary.
Subtest 02 Responder tool
This program initializes the machine responder.
Subtest 03 ID Check
This program displays the GUID.
3-80 Satellite A40 Maintenance Manual (960-458)