Network Fax Guide — Managing Address Book 87
Removing a group
1. Select the group that you want to delete in the “Group” folder
of the private address book.
2. Click the [File] menu and select [Delete].
• The Confirm Deletion dialog box appears.
3. Click [Yes].
• The selected group is deleted.
Searching Contacts
In order to quickly locate contacts you can search the Address Book database. You simply type
in a string or letters to be used to search the database. The Address Book Viewer will search for
any entry that contains the specified string. For example, you can type Smit and select the
address book to be searched, and all contacts entries in the selected address book that match the
search string Smit will be displayed. Including names like Smit, Smith, Smiths. The search is not
limited to names only.
You can search contacts by the name, fax number, and e-mail address. Also you can search con-
tacts by specifying the detailed search conditions.