2. Installing Client Software
166 Printing Guide — Installing Client Software for Macintosh
3. Set the following options.
z Finisher
Not Installed — Select this if a finisher is not installed.
Single-Position Stapler — Select this when the Hanging Finisher is installed.
Multi-Position Stapler — Select this when the Multi-staple Finisher or Saddle-
stitch Finisher is installed.
Multi-Position Stapler and Hole Punch — Select this when the Multi-staple
Finisher or Saddle-stitch Finisher and Hole Punch unit are installed.
z Drawer
Not Installed — Select this when no optional drawer is installed.
Drawer 3 — Select this when the drawer 3 is installed.
Drawer 3 & 4 — Select this when the drawer 3 and 4 are installed.
LCF — Select this when the Large Capacity Feeder is installed.
NOTE: LCF is not available for some countries or regions.
NOTE: If you are using the Mac OS X 10.3.0 or earlier, finisher options such as stapling and
hole punching can be selected even if you select “Not Installed” for the Finisher option.
If you select the finisher options for printing but the finisher is not installed, finisher set-
tings will be ignored and perform printing correctly.
4. Click [Apply Changes] and close the window.