Workman MDX--D Electrical SystemPage 5 -- 11
Fusible Links
The Workman MDX--D uses four (4) fusible links for cir-
cuit protection. Three (3) of these fusible links are in-
cluded in a wire harness that connects the starter B+
terminal to the vehicle wire harness (Fig. 12). The re-
maining fusible link is included in the engine wire har-
ness and connects the starter G terminal to the engine
run solenoid pullcoil. Ifany of these linksshould fail,cur-
rent to the protected circuit will cease. Refer to the elec-
trical schematic and wire harness drawings in Chapter
7 -- Electrical Drawings for additional circuit information.
Make sure that ignition switch is OFF. Disconnect nega-
tive battery cable from battery terminal and then discon-
nect positive cable from battery (see Battery Service in
the Service and Repairs section of this chapter). Locate
and unplug fusible link connector. Use a multimeter to
make sure that continuity exists between the fusible link
terminals. If a fusible link is open, replace the link.
After testing is complete, make sure that fusible link is
securely attached to engine component and wire har-
ness. Connect positive battery cable to battery terminal
first and then connect negative cable to battery.
Figure 12