
Reelmaster 5010- HPage 5 - 84Electrical System
48 VDC Battery Pack Installation (Fig. 85)
1. Makesurethat the48 VDCbatterydisconnect issep-
arated to prevent unexpected 48 VDC system compo-
nent operation (see 48 VDC Battery Disconnect in the
General Information section of this chapter).
2. Make sure the battery tray is clean a nd repainted if
necessary. Make sure battery cables, battery terminals
and all hold down fasteners are in good condition.
3. If batterycableswere removed,installcablesin posi-
tions noted during disassembly. If cables were removed
from rear batteries, make sure that cables are correctly
routed through clamps and secured with removed fas-
4. Place batteries onto battery tray in machine.
5. Secure each battery with battery hold down and hex
IMPORTANT: When connecting the battery pack in
the 48 volt system, make sure that battery polarity
is carefully checked. Damage to fuses or other sys-
tem components can occur if batteries are not con-
nected correctly.
6. Install all of the battery cables except the b attery
jumper cable (item 16). Make sure that cables are con-
nected to correct battery terminal noting battery polarity
as shown in Figures 86 and 87. Torque nuts on battery
cable clamps from 50 to 70 in- lb (5.7 to 7.9 N- m).
7. Carefully install battery jumper cable (item 16) to
frontbatteries. Donot allowtoolsor vehiclecomponents
to complete the battery circuit during cable installation.
Torque nuts on battery jumper cable clamps from 50 to
70 in- lb (5.7 to 7.9 N-m).
8. Apply Toro battery terminal protector (see Special
Tools in this chapter) to all battery posts and cable con-
nectors to reduce corrosion after cable connections a re
made. Make sure that terminal boots are positioned
over all cable connections.
9. Install battery covers.
10.Plug the 48 VDC battery disconnect back into the
socket b e fore operating the machine.
48 VDC Battery Pack Service
Clean the battery pack with clean water and a towel. Do
not use solvents or chemicals to clean the battery pack.
When testing batteries in the battery pack of your Reel-
master,it is important totest allf our (4) individualbatter-
ies. Proper performance of the machine depends on all
batteries being in good condition. Testing will determine
if one (or more) of the batteries needs to be replaced.
A simple battery test can be done using a multimeter to
perform a voltage test of each of the batteries in the bat-
terypack. Measurethe batteryvoltage with themultime-
ter and record battery voltage. The measured voltage
can be used t o determine battery state of charge. If the
voltage of any of the batteries varies by more than 10%,
it indicates a problem with the battery that has the lower
If the battery pack system voltage drops below 50 VDC
due to storage, age or malfunction, battery inspection
and/or charging may be necessary. The batteries
should be individually charged with a 12 VDC charger
rated for operation with absorbed glass mat (AGM),
valveregulated leadacid batteries.Charge thebatteries
following the battery charger manufacturer’s instruc-
tions.Maximumchargevoltageshould belimitedto 14.8
VDC. Operation of the machine will also charge the bat-
A battery load tester can be used to test individual bat-
teries.Many locallyavailable batteryload testersdo not,
however,have any adjustment on the load that is put on
the battery. Results received from using load testers
should follow the recommendations of the load tester
48 VDC Battery Pack Storage
There are no special procedures or precautions for bat-
tery storage less than six (6) months. Batteries should
be disconnected from all potential load sources during
storage. Recommended storage temperatures should
be between 50
C). Storage at
elevated temperatures will result in accelerated rates of
self discharge. Make sure that batteries are fully
charged priorto storage.If batterypackis storedin adis-
charged state, battery performance and life will be di-
During storage, battery charging is recommended
whenever voltage of an individual battery drops below
12.7 VDC.