
Reelmaster 3550−DHydraulic System Page 4 − 32
NOTE: Engine−to−Pump ratio is 1:0.96. In other words,
1 engine RPM = 0.96 pump RPM.
4. The inlet and the outlet hoses must be properly con-
nected and not reversed (hydraulic tester with pressure
and flow capabilities) to prevent damage to the hydraulic
tester or components.
5. When using a hydraulic tester with pressure and flow
capabilities, open load valve completely in the hydraulic
tester to minimize the possibility of damaging compo-
6. Install fittings finger tight and far enough to make
sure that they are not cross−threaded before tightening
them with a wrench.
7. Position hydraulic tester hoses to prevent moving
machine parts from contacting and damaging the hoses
or tester.
8. Check fluid level in the hydraulic tank. After connect-
ing test equipment, make sure tank is full.
9. Check control linkages for improper adjustment,
binding, or broken parts.
10.All hydraulic tests should be made with the hydraulic
fluid at normal operating temperature.
Hydraulic Test Selection
Before beginning any hydraulic test, identify if the prob-
lem is related to the traction circuit, cutting (mow) circuit
or steering and lift/sidewinder circuit. Once the faulty
system has been identified, perform tests that relate to
that circuit.
If a traction circuit problem exists, consider performing
one or more of the following tests: Charge Pressure
Test, Wheel Motor Efficiency Test, and/or Piston Pump/
Hydrostat Flow and Relief Valve Tests.
If a cutting (mow) circuit problem exists, consider per-
forming one or more of the following tests: Circuit Pres-
sure Test, Reel Motor Efficiency/Case Drain Test, Mow
Control Manifold Relief Pressure Test, and/or Gear
Pump (P1) Test.
If a steering or lift/sidewinder circuit problem exists, con-
sider performing one or more of the following tests: Gear
Pump (P2) Flow Test, Relief Valve Pressure Test, and/or
Steering Control Valve and Steering Cylinder Test.