
75.3 Rev. E
Reelmaster 3100--DHydraulic System Page 4 --
1. Lubricate O--rings, pressure seals, back--up gaskets
and wear plate grooves with a thin coat of petroleum jel-
ly. Lubricate all other internal parts freely with clean hy-
draulic oil.
2. Install new seals into front flange (Fig. 46.3):
A. Press shaft seal into front flange until it reaches
the bottom of the bore.
B. Install flange washer into front flange and then
install retaining ring into the groove of the front
C. Install new dust seal into front flange.
3. Place front flange, seal side down, on a flat surface.
4. Install the pressure seals, flat side outward, into the
grooves in the wear plates. Follow by carefully placing
the backup gaskets, flat side outward, between the
pressure seals and the grooves in the wear plate.
5. Apply alight coating ofpetroleum jellyto the exposed
side of the front flange.
6. Lubricate the drive shaft with clean hydraulic oil. In-
sert the drive end of the drive shaft through the wear
plate withthe pressureseal side downand theopen side
of the pressure seal pointing to the inlet side of the mo-
tor. Carefully install shaft into front flange.
7. Lubricate the idler gear shaft with clean hydraulic oil.
Install idler gear shaft into the remaining position in the
front wear plate. Apply a light coating of clean hydraulic
oil to gear faces.
8. Install rear wear plate with pressure seal side up and
open side of the pressure seal pointing to the inlet side
of the motor.
9. Apply a light coating of petroleum jelly to new O--ring
and O--ring groove in the body. Install new O--ring to the
10.Install locating dowel pins in body. Align marker line
on the body and front flange.
IMPORTANT: D o not dislodge seals during installa-
11.Gently slide the body onto the assembly. Firm hand
pressure should be sufficient to engage the dowel pins.
12.Install the four(4) cap screwsw ith washers and hand
IMPORTANT: Prevent damage when clamping the
reel motor in a vise; clamp on the front flange only.
Also, use a vise with soft jaws.
13.Place front flange of the motor into a v ise with s oft
jaws and alternately torque the cap screws 33 ft--lb (45
14.Remove motor from vise.
15.Place a smallamount of cleanhydraulic oil inthe inlet
of themotor androtate thedrive shaft awayfrom theinlet
one revolution. If any binding is noted, disassemble the
motor and check for assembly problems.