Pick Programs to Record
Using the Season Pass Manager
Use the Season Pass Manager to set priorities and resolve conflicts among your scheduled
repeating recordings. Say you have a Season Pass to ER and an auto-recording WishList search
for movies with Julia Roberts. What if a Julia Roberts movie happens to air at the same time as
ER? The TiVo service uses the Season Pass Manager to decide which program to record. If the
Julia Roberts WishList has a higher priority than the ER Season Pass, the Julia Roberts movie
will be recorded, and ER will not.
To open the Season Pass Manager, use the TiVo button to go to TiVo Central
and choose Pick
Programs To Record, then Season Pass Manager.
Changing the Priority Order
If you don’t change priorities, repeating recordings are prioritized by the order in which you set
them up: the first has highest priority, and so on. To change the priority order, use the
UP/DOWN arrows to highlight a repeating recording. Then press RIGHT arrow to highlight the
arrows to the right of the title, and use the UP/DOWN arrows to move the selected title up or
down in the list.
Canceling a Repeating Recording
To cancel a Season Pass or other repeating recording, just highlight the program’s title in the
Season Pass Manager and press CLEAR. Or, from a Program Information screen, select Cancel/
Edit the Season Pass, then Cancel This Season Pass.
Are two of your favorite programs on
at the same time? Create two Season
Pass recordings. Use Recording Options
(page 25) to set the first one to record only
First Run episodes; set the second to
record every episode. Use the Season Pass
Manager to give the first one higher priority
than the second. Voilà! When reruns of the
first program air, your DVR will ignore them
and record episodes of the second