
Cleaning The Big Easy Burner Assembly
Follow these instructions to clean and/or replace parts of burner assembly or if
you have trouble igniting grill.
1. Turn gas off at control knobs and LP tank.
2. Remove cooking grates, burner tent and tent frame.
3. Under grill remove soup can from grease clip.
4. Beneath left side of grill bottom remove ignitor wire by pulling down on
ceramic insulator (A).
Electronic Ignition Grills: Disconnect battery and then ceramic insulator with
ignitor wire.
5. Under console disengage (B) clips by lightly pushing clip on burner tube away
from you and pull down. Remove burners from grill bottom. Two burner grills:
Remove burners and shield from grill bottom.
6. Wipe ceramic electrode (A) with rubbing alcohol and cloth.
7. Clean burners exterior with soap and water. Lay burners on flat surface, insert
garden hose (preferably with nozzle), into burner tubes forcing water through
tubes. Make sure water comes out of every porthole. Open clogged portholes
with a thin wire. Shake out excess water and examine portholes. Due to
normal wear and corrosion some portholes may become enlarged, if so
replace burner. If any horizontal cracks appear from porthole to porthole or
large holes (other than portholes) are found replace burner. Use a wire brush
to clean carry-over tube(s).
8. If grill is to be stored, coat burners lightly with cooking oil. Wrap in protective
cover to keep insects out. If not storing use following steps.
9. Two burner grills: Place shield into bottom of grill then burners. Attach
burners into valves, under grill bottom reattach clips.
VERY IMPORTANT: Burner tubes must engage valve openings as shown
10. Attach ceramic insulator with ignitor wire to left burner. Replace battery (if
11. Reposition cooking grates, tent frame and burner tent. Reattach soup can to
grease clip under grill bottom.
12. Before cooking again on grill, follow "Burner Flame Check".