Figure 1
Support Leg
Top Cap
Blower Assembly
Wing Nuts
The complete Universal Cook‘n‘Vent
System consists of the ventilator intake and a blower. See Fig. 1. The blower is either an integral
(mounted on the vent intake in the cabinet under the cooktop) or a remote (roof or outside wall mounted).
When a remote blower is used, a duct transition is mounted on the ventilator intake in place of the integral
blower to connect the intake to the ductwork. The duct transition must be purchased separately. (see Table
The integral blower or duct transition can be mounted in different positions on the intake to route ductwork
to avoid cabinet, building framing, utilities, etc. Important: To allow for cleaning access, locate blower
in the position closest to the duct outlet.
The Universal Cook‘n’Vent® System is available in 30-inch, 36-inch and 45-inch models, with countertop
trim in either stainless, black, or white. It is intended for use with any residential 30-inch, 36-inch or 45-inch
model (Thermador or other) gas or electric cooktop. It is not intended to be used with any professional
style cooktop or range.
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