English 7
settings apply but foods may take a little longer to finish cooking. A range of heat
settings are listed because the actual setting depends on:
1. type and quality of pan
2. type, quantity and temperature of the food
3. element used
4. the cook’s preference.
Care and Cleaning
Before Use Care Care is easy when preventative steps are taken. For example, apply a small
amount of Cooktop Cleaning Creme® (packaged with cooktop) on a daily basis.
This provides a protective film that makes it easy to remove water spots or food
spatters. The temperature of the cooking surface reduces the protective qualities
of this cleaner. It must be reapplied before each use. Use a clean cloth and apply
Cooktop Cleaning Creme® before each use to remove dust or metal marks that
can occur on the counterlevel surface between uses.
Daily Cleaning Practices
Control Knobs Pull up to remove. Slip a towel under the knob, hold edge of towel together and
pull up. Wipe with hot, soapy cloth, rinse and dry. Do not soak!
Recommended Cleaners • Cooktop Cleaning Crème® - (packaged with cooktop) – This removes soil
and provides a protective film that makes it easy to remove water spots or
food spatters. The temperature of the cooking surface reduces the protective
qualities of this cleaner. It must be reapplied before each use to prevent spat-
ter and small food particles from baking on the surface. Use only a small
Table 2: Cooking Chart - Heat Settings
Type of Food Heat Settings
Melting butter/chocolate LO
Delicate sauces
Finishing rice
Simmering sauces with butter and egg yolk
Cooking vegetables, fish, broths
Eggs, fried or scrambled
Finishing cereals, pasta
Simmering meats
Steaming vegetables, fish, broths
Pan frying
Spaghetti sauces
Sauteed vegetables
Stewing meat, soups
Braising meat
Pan frying meat, fish,
Stir frying
Quickly brown or sear meats
Hold rapid boil
Boiling water for vegetables, pasta, rice, etc. HI