
Datacryptor Ethernet User Manual Element Manager Reference
1270A450-005 - June 2008 Page 45
The user will be blocked from further attempts for this time. Once the block time has expired
the user will again be allowed to attempt to log in.
Inactivity Time
The Front Panel Viewer can automatically log off a user if it has seen no mouse or keyboard
activity for a time. Set this field to the maximum inactivity time, in seconds.
Password History Length
The Front Panel Viewer keeps a record of the last nine passwords for each User Key Material File
and will, when changing a password, reject the new password if it has been used before. Set
this field to indicate the number of previous passwords that will be included in the check.
Setting this to one indicates that the new password will only be checked against the existing
password and not against any of the previous passwords. Setting this to ten indicates that the
new password will be checked against the existing password and all nine previous passwords.
When the Front Panel Viewer is first installed these fields will default to the values shown here:
These settings permit the Front Panel Viewer to operate identically to the previous version when
using legacy files. If the enhanced security enforcement features are not required then legacy
User Key Material files, including the universal adminv2.usr file, may be used without upgrade.
Securing the Settings
These settings are stored in a file in the SecureData subdirectory. To protect these settings an
administrator should configure the Front Panel Viewer as required and then restrict access to
the SecureData directory and its contents to read-only for users.