Output Select or
Ouput Enable
3.3-V LDO
Ouput Enable
10 kW
10 kW
EVM Configuration and Description
3 EVM Configuration and Description
3.1 EVM Description
To conform to the USB 2.0 specification, the differential traces D+ and D- lines on the board are
impedance matched to 90-Ω differential. The trace length of the through-path and the trace length through
the TS3USB221/A/E switch are also matched for comparison purpose. The PCB is a simple four-layer
top-side populated board (see the schematic and PCB layout in Section 3.4 and Section 3.5). The major
features of the hardware design are detailed in the following sections.
3.2 Jumper Configuration (J6 to J8)
The EVM has jumper J6 through J8 (see Figure 3) to provide configuration to the TS3USB221/A/E and the
3.3-V LDO. J6 allows switch output channel select, J7 provides switch enable control, and J8 provides
3.3-V LDO enable control. Table 1 lists all of the jumpers in the EVM and their respective functionality (all
default settings are in bold).
Figure 3. Jumpers J6, J7, and J8 Configuration
Table 1. EVM Jumper Description
Jumper Functionality Configuration
Shunt J6 to select output 1
J6 TS3USB221/A/E Select
Open J6 to select output 2
Shunt J7 to enable the switch
J7 TS3USB221/A/E Enable
Open J7 to disable the switch
Shunt J8 to disable the LDO
J8 3.3V LDO Enable
Open J8 to enable the LDO
The EVM provides USB connectors J1 through J5 to interface with other USB devices. Depending on the
application need, the connectors can be de-soldered and changed to either type A or type B connector.
See Table 2 for the default connectors on the EVM.
Table 2. EVM Connector Description
Connector Functionality Configuration
Default as type B connector
J1 USB Connector
Can be replaced with type A connector
Default as type A connector
J2 USB Connector
Can be replaced with type B connector
Default as type B connector
J3 USB Connector
Can be replaced with type A connector
Default as type B connector
J4 USB Connector
Can be replaced with type A connector
Default as type B connector
J5 USB Connector
Can be replaced with type A connector
SCDU001A–July 2009–Revised October 2009 TS3USB221/A/E High Speed USB 2.0 (480 Mbps) 1:2 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
Switch Evaluation Module
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