
How to Use This Manual
About This Manual
The TPS2151 is one of the four devices in the USB peripheral power
management family TPS2140/41/50/51, which integrates both an adjustable
linear low-drop voltage regulator (LDO) and a dual-current-limited power
switch. The dual-current-limit power switch is designed to eliminate inrush
current during power on.
The evaluation module (EVM) can help designers to evaluate the device with
several different configurations by manipulating only a couple of onboard
mechanical slide switches and a few jumpers.
Users need at least one dc voltage supply and a multimeter or oscilloscope to
evaluate the operation of the EVM.
How to Use This Manual
This document contains the following chapters:
- Chapter 1Introduction
- Chapter 2Schematic, Bill of Materials, Layout, and Setup
- Chapter 3Changeable Components and Test Points