Kernel Error Messages
Troubleshooting DOS Systems
A.2 Kernel Error Messages
This section describes error messages from the DOS/16M kernel embedded
in the TMS470R1x code generation tools. Kernel error messages can occur
because of severe resource shortages, corruption of the executable file, cor-
ruption of memory, operating system incompatibilities, or internal errors. All of
these messages are quite rare.
DOS/16M protected mode available only with 386 or 486
DOS4G did not detect the presence of a 386-, 486-, or Pen-
tium-based processor.
If you are running the tools on a 386 (or later) PC, rerun the
program. If you are running the tools on a 286 PC, reinstall
and run the tools on a 386 PC or later.
0: involuntary switch to real mode
The computer was in protected mode but switched to real
mode without going through DOS/16M. This error most often
occurs because of an unrecoverable stack segment
exception (stack overflow) but can also occur if the global
descriptor table or interrupt descriptor table is corrupted.
Restart your computer. If the problem persists, contact tech-
nical support.
2: not a DOS/16M executable <filename>
DOS4G.EXE or a bound DOS/4G application has probably
been corrupted in some way.
Recopy the file from the source media.
6: not enough memory to load program
There is not enough memory to load DOS/4G.
Make more memory available and try again.
8: cannot open file <filename>
The DOS/16M loader cannot load DOS/4G, probably
because DOS has run out of file units.
Set a larger FILES= entry in the CONFIG.SYS file, reboot,
and try again.