4.24.2 Mitsubishi Microcontroller Mode of Operation
When the microcontroller type select MTS1 and MTS0 inputs are held high and low, respectively, the
TCM4300 microcontroller interface is configured in Mitsubishi mode. In this mode, the interface has a single
read/write control (R/W
) signal, an active-low data strobe (MCDS) signal, and active-low interrupt request
signals. The processor E
and R/(W) signals should be connected to the TCM4300 MCDS signal and the
MCRW signal, respectively. Table 4–26 lists the microcontroller interface connections for Mitsubishi mode.
Table 4–26. Microcontroller Interface Connections for Mitsubishi Mode
MTS1, MTS0 Tie to logic levels: high and low, respectively
MCCSH Not on microcontroller; can be used for address decoding
MCCSL Not on microcontroller; can be used for address decoding
MCD7–MCD0 D[7:0] data bus on microcontroller
MCA4–MCA0 A[4:0]
MCDS E (Active-low read data strobe) MCDS configured to active-low operation by MTS1 and MTS0.
MWBDFINT Either one of INT3 through INT0 as appropriate
DINT Either one of INT3 through INT0 as appropriate
4.24.3 Motorola Microcontroller Mode of Operation
When the microcontroller selects MTS0 = high and MTS1 = low, the TCM4300 microcontroller interface is
configured for 8-bit family (6800 family derivatives, e.g., 68HC11D3 and 68HC11G5) bus characteristics,
and when the microcontroller selects MTS0 = low and MTS1 = high, the microcontroller interface is
configured for 16-bit family (680 × 0 family derivatives, e.g., 68008 and 68302) characteristics. The Motorola
mode makes use of a single read/write control (R/W
) signal and active-low interrupt request signals. The
processor E (8-bit) or DS (16-bit) and (R/W) control signals should be connected to the TCM4300 MCDS
signal and the MCRW signal, respectively. Table 4–27 illustrates the connections between the TCM4300
and an 8-bit Motorola processor. Table 4–28 illustrates the connections between the TCM4300 and a 16-bit
Motorola processor.
Table 4–27. Microcontroller Interface Connections for Motorola Mode (8 bits)
MTS1, MTS0 Tie to logic levels: low and high, respectively
MCCSH Not on microcontroller; can be used for address decoding
MCCSL Not on microcontroller; can be used for address decoding
MCD7–MCD0 PC[7:0] data bus on microcontroller
MCA4–MCA0 Demultiplexed address output. PF[4:0] on microcontroller for nonmultiplexed machines (e.g.,
68CH11G5) and not on micro for multiplexed bus machines (e.g., 68HC11D3).
MCDS E (Active-high data strobe) MCDS configured to active-high operation by MTS1 and MTS0.
MWBDFINT IRQ and/or NMI as appropriate
DINT IRQ and/or NMI as appropriate