Intercom User Station US2002 - 25
Figure 13. An example of all locally powered US2002 intercom stations.
In this example, all components are locally powered using PA-KP local power supplies. Note the use
of one termination plug in each intercom channel. (One termination plug is supplied with each
US2002.) Only one termination plug should be installed per channel. Typically, they are installed at the
first intercom station in the chain. If 2 terminations are installed in a channel, the sound quality and
volume level will be noticeably reduced. IMPORTANT!: If a system power supply (SPS2001,
PS2001L etc.) is ever connected anywhere in a channel, the termination plug should be removed from
that channel, because the system power supply already has built-in termination.
The advantage of locally powered stations is that they can be operated over a greater distance than is
possible when using a system power supply.
Note: For further informa-
tion about the cable
numbers, see page 14.