Sys tem Walk-Thru
Now that you have suc cess fully “set-up” your Telex Wire less
Inter com Sys tem and turned on any aux il iary equip ment, you
are ready to test the over all per for mance by “Walking” the
Telex sys tem through the ar eas in which you will be us ing it.
Be fore you be gin your walk-thru, check the fol low ing:
Beltpack Bat tery Check.
Set mi cro phone gain in both the beltpack(s) and the
base sta tion.
The base sta tion and beltpack(s) are on the same group
and the beltpack(s) are on their own unique trans port
chan nels that match the base sta tion re ceive chan nels
Check that the talk but ton is en gaged. The talk LED
will be il lu mi nated.
In ter com Level “IN” and “OUT” are set to an ap pro -
pri ate level.
Auxiliary Level “IN” and “OUT” are set to an ap pro -
pri ate level (if used).
The “sys tem walk-thru” can de tect prob lem of weak sig nal
strength caused by:
Poor an tenna lo ca tion
Wrong an tenna for re ceiver and/ or trans mit ter
RF “Trou ble Spots”
Op er ating dis tance be yond sys tem ca pa bil ity.
Old or used bat ter ies in the TR-8XX.
Un der nor mal con di tions the base sta tion’s dis play will in di cate
a beltpack sta tus. “Weak Sig nal” con di tion will re sult in “no tx”
be ing dis played on the base sta tion’s re ceiver for that beltpack.
In 99% of all in stances you will set up your Telex Wire less In --
ter com Sys tem, walk it through the area of in ter est and
achieve error-free per for mance. If in the rare in stance your
Telex sys tem does not “pass” dur ing your walk-thru eval u a --
tion, re fer to the sec tion of this man ual which deals with Sys --
tem Trou ble shooting.