TR-825 Beltpack
Con trols and Con nec tions - Top Panel
Fig ure 7
TR-825 Top Panel
1. On/Off and Vol ume Con trol - Turns beltpack power on
and con trols head set vol ume for In ter com Chan nels “A”
and “B”. Ei ther knob, “A” or “B”, turns the beltpack on.
Both knobs must be off to turn the beltpack off. If only
one knob is off, then only that In ter com Chan nel, “A” or
“B” is off for both trans mit and re ceive au dio.
2. Wire less Talk Around (WTA) - When pressed, the user’s
au dio is dis con nected from the wired in ter com, aux il iary
in put/out put and the base sta tion’s lo cal head set. Other
beltpack us ers, on that au dio chan nel, can hear the user as
nor mal. The de fault set ting is soft ware selectable, as to
which In ter com Chan nel, “A”, “B”, “A + B”, or cur rently
se lected chan nel, is ac ti vated along with the “WTA” but -
ton. The “WTA” but ton ac ti vates the nearby red LED as
well as the soft ware se lected In ter com Chan nel “TALK”
LED if not al ready ac tive.
3. Stage An nounce (SA) - When pressed, the user’s au dio is
routed to the stage an nounce con nec tor on the back of the
base sta tion. The user also loses their sidetone as an in di -
ca tion that stage an nounce is ac ti vated. The other wire less
beltpacks and wired us ers do not hear the user’s au dio.
The but ton is non-latching and ac ti vates the nearby red
4. Talk But ton - Press to en able the au dio path to ei ther In -
ter com Chan nel “A” or “B” or “A + B”, from the lo cal
head set mi cro phone. The as so ci ated “TALK” LED, #6,
will turn red when en abled. A quick press and re lease
latches the talk func tion, un less latch ing has been dis -
abled. Holding the but ton for over ½ sec ond, will cause
the au dio path to be en abled only for as long as the but ton
is held. If the talk func tion is latched on, press ing the talk
but ton again will turn it off.
5. Low Bat tery/Overmodulation (BAT/OM) Light - Light
will flash once when unit is turned on if the bat tery is
good. If the light stays on, bat tery is low. If the light does
not flash, bat tery is dead. A nor mal mi cro phone gain set -
ting will cause the LED to flash at the be gin ning of most
words at nor mal speech lev els. If the gain is too high, the
LED will be red dur ing the com plete word at nor mal
speech lev els.
6. Talk Light - Will turn red when en abled by as so ci ated
“TALK” or “WTA” but ton.