Sec tion
In tro duc tion
Gen eral De scrip tion
The Telex RadioCom™ BTR-1 UHF wire less in ter com sys --
tems is the ul ti mate in re li able, high per for mance, en crypted
full du plex com mu ni ca tions.
The BTR-1 system in cludes the BTR-1 fre quency ag ile base
sta tion and a TR-1 fre quency ag ile beltpack. The BTR-1
system pro vides full du plex, en crypted digital com mu ni ca tion.
The base sta tion pro vides the beltpack with ac cess to a six in --
ter com port ma trix of 2-wire sys tems or com mu ni ca tion to a
4-wire in ter com sys tem. The sys tem can in ter face with
Audiocom® (Telex), RTS® TW, Clear-Com® 2-wire in ter --
com sys tems as well as 4 wire com mu ni ca tion sys tems.
In ad di tion to the 2 and 4-wire in ter com sys tems the base sta --
tion pro vides con nec tions for aux il iary bal anced au dio in put
and out put, as well as re lay clo sure and the abil ity for us ing
one of the six in ter com lines as a wire less only com mu ni ca tion
in ter com. The sys tem is also per fectly suited for stand-alone
op er a tion.
The BTR-1 has been de signed for re li able, ef fi cient op er a tion.
Op er ating in the 482 to 746 MHz range. The unit has ex --
pansion abil ity to add doz ens of base sta tions to cre ate a sys --
tem. The high-ef fi ciency beltpack pro vides up to 9 hours of
un in ter rupted op er a tion us ing stan dard al ka line bat ter ies.
Sys tem Fea tures
Fre quency ag ile base sta tion and beltpacks.
No ex ter nal com puter/de vice re quired to se lect fre quen -
Telex Com mu ni ca tions pro pri etary dig i tally en crypted
wire less com mu ni ca tion be tween the base sta tion and
AC or DC op er a tion in the 12 to15 Volt range.
Backlit base sta tion LCD al lows the user to eas ily mon i tor
the beltpack’s sta tus.
The fre quen cies of a beltpack may be changed at the
beltpack or from the base sta tion.
Beltpack units con tained in a weather and shock re sis tant
die cast mag ne sium case.
Six chan nels of 2-Wire in ter com.
Com pat i ble with Audiocom® (Telex), RTS TW,
Clear-Com®, RTS Ma trix and other wired in ter com types.
Re lay con tact clo sure on the base station that can be ac ti -
vated from the beltpack.
ClearScanä func tion to au to mat i cally find the best chan -
nels on which to op er ate.
Base sta tions are ta ble or rack mount able.
RTS® and Audiocom® are reg is tered trade marks of Telex Com mu ni ca tions, Inc.
Clear-Com® is a reg is tered trade mark of Clear-Com In ter com Sys tems, Inc.