In ter com Type
The base sta tion has the abil ity to in ter face to a va ri ety
of wired in ter com sys tems. These in clude Telex
(AudioCom), RTS 2W, ClearComâ, Four Wire
Systems and oth ers.
Aux il iary Line
The aux il iary line may be set to lo cal or global.
Lo cal = Any au dio placed into the aux il iary in put port
is routed only to the base sta tion's lo cal head set and
Global = Any au dio placed into the aux il iary in put port
is routed not only to the base station's lo cal head set and
beltpack, but also to any wired sys tem con nected to the
base sta tion.
Base TX Power
The base station trans mit power can be set to two po si --
NORM = The trans mit power is about 10 dB be low
max i mum power. This is 5 mW typ i cally.
HI = The trans mit power is at full power. This is 50
mW typ i cally.
BP Off Mode
This op tion sets the base sta tion's wired con nec tiv ity
when the beltpack is off, out of com mu ni ca tions range
or in Push-to-Tx mode, with the talk but ton OFF.
MUTE ICs = The base sta tion drops con nec tiv ity to
any wired in ter com con nected to it af ter 1 sec ond of no
com mu ni ca tions from a beltpack.
LAST IC = The base station main tains con nec tiv ity to
the wired in ter com(s). The base sta tion re mains on the
last in ter com chan nel(s) se lected when not re ceiv ing
com mu ni ca tions from a beltpack.
BTN A = The base sta tion con nect to the "A" but ton
de fined wired in ter com(s) when not re ceiv ing com mu --
ni ca tions from a beltpack.
BTN B = The base sta tion con nects to the "B" but ton
de fined wired in ter com(s) when not re ceiv ing com mu --
ni ca tions from a beltpack.
BTN C = The base sta tion con nects to the "C" but ton
de fined wired in ter com and ac ti vates the "C" but ton
op tions (QB and/or re lay if ac tive) when not re ceiv ing
com mu ni ca tions from a beltpack.
Sidetone Lev els
The sidetone is the amount of a user’s own voice that is
feed back to their head phones. Both the beltpack and
base sta tion sidetone may be ad justed in the base main
set tings.
Chang ing the In ter com and Aux il iary types,
TX power and Sidetone
1. From the sta tus screen hit <MENU> once to ar rive at
the se cu rity code / sys tem set tings / in ter com set -
tings/RF meter menu screen.
2. Se lect the sys tem set tings menu with the
<UP>/<DOWN> ar row but tons and press <SET> to
go to the base station set tings sub-menu.
3. Se lect the base main set tings menu with the
<UP>/<DOWN> ar row but tons and press <SET> to
go the base sta tion main set tings set screen.
4. The in ter com type will be flash ing. Set the type by us -
ing the <UP>/<DOWN> ar row but tons then press ing
<SET> to go to aux line op tions.
5. The aux line type will be flash ing. Set lo cal or global
by us ing the <UP>/<DOWN> ar row but tons then
press <SET> to go to the base sta tion Tx op tions.
6. The Tx op tion will be flash ing. Set Norm or High by
us ing the <UP>/<DOWN> ar row but tons then press
<SET> to go to the beltpack off mode op tion.
7. The beltpack OFF mode will be flash ing. Set the de -
sired mode by us ing the <UP>/<DOWN> ar row but -
tons, then press <SET> to go to the set sidetone lev els
op tion.
8. The screen will change to a BTR and TR side level op -
tions screen. Set the BTR side level by us ing the
<UP>/<DOWN> ar row but tons then press <SET> to
go on to the TR sidetone level.
9. Af ter the TR sidetone is set press <MENU> twice to
go back to the sta tus screen or press <SET> again to
be gin the ed it ing of the base main set ting again.
Fre quency Set tings
The group and chan nels of fac tory de fined groups may be
changed in this screen. How ever, fac tory de fined fre --
quencies can not be changed. User de fined groups and
chan nels may be de fined in this screen too. The user de --
fined frequencies can be changed by the user.