3. Continue talking to callers and clearing their names
until the call waiting window displays dashes (no
callers). Also, when all calls have been answered, the
green LED next to the call waiting key will turn off.
If DIP switch 3 (page 10
) is set to the Open position, you
can use the keypanel to answer incoming telephone calls
that have been received by the TIF-951. A talk and listen
key pair on the keypanel must be assigned to talk/listen to
the TIF-951 as previously described. Use the assigned
keys as follows:
1. Leave the talk and listen keys in the off position,
except when answering a call.
2. When there is an incoming phone call, the talk
indicator will flash red. Activate the talk key to talk
back. You may also have to activate the listen key.
3. When the conversation is finished, turn the keys off.
Important! The keypanel does not hang up the
phone line when you turn the keys off. Usually the
TIF-951 does this by detecting when the caller has
hung up. However, this may not be possible in some
phone systems, and the TIF-951 may remain off
hook. In this case you must manually disconnect
using the OFF switch on the front of the TIF-951.
Unless there is an incoming call to answer, activating
a key on the MKP-4 that is assigned to the TIF-951
will have no effect.
You can use this feature to check key assignments
after making changes. You can also use it if you think
the key assignments have been changed but the
designation strip has not been updated.
1. Press up and release the call waiting key to clear the
call waiting window. (Dashes should display when
the window is clear.)
2. Press down and hold the call waiting key. Then tap
an intercom key down or up to display the talk or
listen assignment. You may press several keys in
succession to check their assignments.
3. Release the call waiting key when finished.
Occasionally, you may need to know which intercom port
your keypanel is connected to. Identify the port number as
1. Make sure the Call Waiting window is clear. (Dashes
should display. If not, press upward on the Call
Waiting key.)
2. Hold down the Call Waiting key.
3. While holding down the Call Waiting key, tap the
Clear key. The port number will appear in the Call
Waiting display. This is the port that the keypanel is
connected to. N001 indicates port 1, N002 indicates
port 2 and so forth.
User Instructions BKP-4, TKP-4, and WKP-4 Keypanels 17