Over the last 15 years, Klark Teknik's graphic equalisers have become "industry standards" with
audio professionals around the world - some preferring the smooth, averaging quality of the
DN360 - others, the sharper, tighter Q character of the DN27. To satisfy these individual
preferences, the DN3600 incorporates two "Q" options - 360 and 27.
The DN3600 utilises 30 "combining" 1/3 octave filters. This combining action allows adjacent
filters to act over the area in between their own centre frequencies to create smooth but complex
frequency response curves with minimal ripple and phase error.
On this setting, at low boost or cut the filters exhibit a relatively wide Q which results in a smooth
response with very low ripple and phase error. At high boost or cut, the filter Q sharpens to allow
notching/accentuation of particular frequencies with just enough combining to provide cut/boost
in between adjacent bands.
At full boost or cut, this setting is the same as Q:360. At lower settings of boost or cut, although
the filter Q widens, it remains sharper than the Q:360 at an equivalent gain. This gives more
precise control of the EQ curves, but means that careful setting of the filters is required to create
smooth curves with minimal ripple and phase error.
To change Q, press the soft keys labeled Utilities, Auto/Q and Q Type in turn. Pressing the Q
Type key toggles between Q:27 and Q:360 and the Q mode is shown at the top of the screen.