Closed: keypanel cannot answer incoming calls to
Description: The keypanel can answer incoming tele
phone calls received by an RTS Model TIF-951 Tele
phone Interface. However, it cannot perform any other
telephone operations. For example, it cannot force the
TIF-951 to hang up at the end of a call. In many cases, the
TIF-951 can detect a hang up at the far end of the line and
then hang up itself. However, this may not always be the
case in all phone systems. In such cases you may wish to
completely disable keypanel operation with the TIF-951.
DIP Switch 4
Open: Default setting. Use a panel mic (connected to the
Mic connector) to talk and use the speaker to listen. Or,
use a headset (connected to Headset connector) to talk
and listen.
Closed: Special Applications. Use a dynamic mic (con
nected to the Headset connector) with the speaker. Or, use
headphones (connected to the Headset connector) with a
panel mic (connected to the Mic connector).
Description: Typically, you will use the keypanel either
with a panel microphone and a speaker or with a headset.
The special applications setting is seldom used.
DIP Switch 5
Open: Default setting. Latching turned on.
Closed: Latching turned off.
Description: An intercom key can always be turned on for
momentary conversation by pressing and holding the key
during the conversation. There is also an electronic latch
ing feature that lets you tap intercom keys to turn them on
or off. This permits convenient hands-free conversation.
However it can also result in a talk circuit being left on
unintentionally. For example, a key that talks to a public
address system could be accidentally left on. Or an IFB
key (a type of key assignment that is often used by a di
rector or producer to give instructions to a listener, such
as a news anchor during a television broadcast) could ac
cidentally be left on, causing confusion for the IFB lis
tener. To prevent such accidents, the latching feature can
be turned off.
DIP Switches 6-8
Not used. Leave Open.
2.4.2 Address Switch
In Zeus, ADAM CS, and ADAM intercom systems,
intercom ports are arranged in groups of 8 or 12
intercom ports. Within each group, each keypanel
keypanel is uniquely identified by its Address switch
The Address switch has a white pointer which points to
the current switch setting. Determine the proper setting as
Important! Always reset the keypanel after changing the
Address switch setting. Do this by briefly removing
power to the keypanel.
Zeus Intercom Systems: Intercom port connectors on the
Zeus back panel are arranged in three groups of eight in-
tercom ports. For each group, intercom port connectors
are labeled ID 1, ID 2, etc. When you connect a keypanel
keypanel to Zeus, set the keypanel Address switch to
match the corresponding ID number on the Zeus back
panel. Note that address switch settings 0, and 9 through F
are not used.
ADAM CS Intercom Systems: Each Audio I/O card
contains 1 group of 8 intercom ports. However, the
method of breaking out the groups depends on the type of
connectors on the back panel. To determine the keypanel
Address switch setting, use the planning worksheets in the
ADAM CS Installation Manual. These are located near
the back of the Installation Manual:
ADAM CS with RJ12 or DB-9 back panel: You
can determine the keypanel address from the
worksheets in either of two ways: 1) If you know the
port number that a keypanel will be connected to,
look up the port number in the worksheet, then read
across to the appropriate logical keypanel number for
that port number. Use that number to set the keypanel
Address switch. 2) If you know the connector number
(on the back of the ADAM CS frame) that the
keypanel will be connected to, look up that connector
number in the worksheet, then read across to the
appropriate logical keypanel number. Use that
number to set the keypanel Address switch. Note
that address switch settings 0, and 9 through F are not
User Instructions BKP-4, TKP-4, and WKP-4 Keypanels 11