Photometric Analyzer Operation /Control Unit 3
Part I 3-7
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
arrow keys to change the letters to the proper password. Press Enter to enter
the password.
In a few seconds, you will be given the opportunity to change this pass-
word or keep it and go on.
Change Password?
<ENT>=Yes <ESC>=No
Press Escape to move on, or proceed as in Changing the Password,
below. Installing or Changing the Password
If you want to install a password, or change an existing password,
proceed as above in Entering the Password. When you are given the oppor-
tunity to change the password:
Change Password?
<ENT>=Yes <ESC>=No
Press Enter to change the password (either the default TAI or the
previously assigned password), or press Escape to keep the existing pass-
word and move on.
If you chose Enter to change the password, the password assignment
screen appears.
Select new password
Enter the password using the < > arrow keys to move back and forth
between the existing password letters, and the DÑ arrow keys to change the
letters to the new password. The full set of 94 characters available for pass-
word use are shown in the table below.
Characters Available for Password Definition:
UVWXYZ[ ¥ ] ^
i j kl mnopqr
st uvwxyz{|
}®!"#$%&' (
3456789: ; <