M703E Calibrator Operator’s Manual Frequently Asked Questions and Glossary
4.1. FAQ’S
The following list is a list from the T-API Customer Service Department of the 10 most commonly asked
questions relating to the Model 703E Photometric Calibrator.
Q: My ozone ACT =XXXX, why?
A: Look at the Photo Ref/Meas readings from the photometer UV lamp detector are most likely too low and need
to be adjusted. See Section 10.5
Q: When I generate o
zone, it takes a long time to settle out or it fluctuates around the target concentration until
finally stabilizing.
A: Perform an O3 Gen Calibration. See Section 8.2.
Q: Why does the
ENTR key sometimes disappear on the front panel display?
A: Sometimes the ENTR key will disappear if you select a setting that is invalid or out of the allowable range for
that parameter, such as trying to set the 24-hour clock to 25:00:00.
Once you adjust the setting to an allowable value, the ENTR key will re-appear.
Q: How do I make the RS-232 Interface Work?
A: See Chapter 7
Q: When sho
uld I change the sintered filter(s) in the calibrators flow control(s) and how do I change them?
A: The sintered filters do not require regular replacement. Should one require replacement as part of a
troubleshooting or repair exercise, see Section 11.8.1.
Q: How often sho
uld I rebuild the photometer pump on my calibrator?
A: The photometer pump has been designed for longer service life than standard diaphragm pumps. When the
pump wears out, the entire pump must be replaced.
Q: How long do the UV lamps of the O
generator and photometer last?
A: The typical lifetime is about 2-3 years.
Acronym – A short form or abbreviation for a longer term. Often artificially made up of the first letters of the
phrase’s words.
APICOM – Name of a remote control program offered by Teledyne-API to its customers
ASSY - Acronym for Assembly.
3 –
metric abbreviation for cubic centimeter. Same as the obsolete abbreviation “cc”.
DIAG - Acronym for diagnostics, the diagnostic menu or settings of the system
DHCP: acronym for dynamic host configuration protocol. A protocol used by LAN or Internet servers that
automatically sets up the interface protocols between themselves and any other addressable device connected
to the network.
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