3 Installation3 Installation
3 Installation3 Installation
3 Installation
3.6.3 RS-232 Serial Digital Port
The RS-232 port is configured as data terminal equipment (DTE) and uses a 9-pin
D connector wired as follows:
1. No connection
2. Transmit Data
3. Receive Data
4. N/C
5. Ground
6. N/C
7. RTC
8. CTS
9. N/C
Connecting the analyzer to a modem requires a PC to modem cable. When con-
necting the analyzer directly to a PC, terminal or other data terminal equipment, a
“null-modem” cable is required.
The following serial interface default parameters are used:
Defaults Programmable Options
1200 Baud 1200 Baud
8 Bits 5, 6, 7, or 8 Bits
No Parity Even, Odd, or None
1 Stop Bit 1 or 2 Stop Bits
3.7 Installation Checklist
Have you:
• Checked for leaks from any of the rear panel connections?
• Checked the sample and span gas pressures (5–10 psi)?
• Checked the instrument air pressure (70–80 psi)?