Teledyne API Model 200AU NO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02293, Rev. F
6. Ozone concentration too low
A. Wet air in ozone generator - need to flush out clean, dry
B. Ozone generator driver board failure.
C. Damaged transformer/ozone generator cartridge. The ozone generator cartridge is
partially made of glass. Extreme physical shock, such as dropping the generator on the
floor may cause the glass cartridge to crack and eventually fail.Sample inlet vent line too
short - should be at least 15".
7. Sample exhaust not properly vented, creating a backpressure at the sample inlet port of
the instrument. See Figure 2-3 for venting recommendations.
9.2.11 Slow Response
1. Contaminated or dirty sample delivery pneumatics
A. Dirty/plugged sample filter or sample lines
B. Dirty reaction cell
2. Sample inlet line too long.
3. Wrong materials in contact with sample - use glass, stainless steel or Teflon
4. Sample vent line located too far from instrument sample inlet. Locate sample inlet vent
near analyzer.
5. Insufficient time allowed for purging of lines upstream of analyzer.
6. Leaking NO/NO
7. Insufficient time allowed for NO or NO
cal gas source to become stable.
8. Moly converter temperature too low.
9. Miscalibration, see Table 7-1.
9.2.12 Analog Output Doesn't Agree with Display Concentration
The analog output is proportional to the range. Zero volts output corresponds to zero ppb, and 5
volts corresponds to the maximum range setting in ppb. If this is not observed do the following:
1. V/F board DAC's out of calibration. Do DAC calibration and Factory Calibration.
2. Analog outputs electrically loaded down causing voltage to sag. Could be due to input
impedance to chart recorder or data logger being too low or improper grounding. The
Recorder and DAS outputs do not have separate output drivers, the problem could be the
combined load of both could be too high.
9.3 Subsystem Troubleshooting and Adjustments
9.3.1 Computer, Display, Keyboard