Teledyne API Model 200A NO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02246, Rev. G, DCN 5247
7.8.10 ZERO and SPAN Checks
A system of Level 1 and Level 2 zero/span checks (see Table 7-1) is recommended. These checks
must be conducted in accordance with the specific guidance given in Subsection 9.1 of Section 2.0.9
(Q.A. Handbook). Level 1 zero and span checks must be conducted every two weeks. Level 2
checks should be conducted in between the Level 1 checks at a frequency desired by the user. Span
concentrations for both levels should be between 70 and 90% of the measurement range.
Zero and span data are to be used to:
Provide data to allow analyzer adjustment for zero and span drift;
Provide a decision point on when to calibrate the analyzer;
Provide a decision point on invalidation of monitoring data.
Items 1 and 2 are described in detail in Subsection 9.1.3 of Section 2.0.9 (Q.A. Handbook). Item 3 is
described in Subsection 9.1.4 of the same section.
Refer to the Troubleshooting Section 9 of this manual if the instrument is not within the allowed
variations. Zero/Span Check Procedures
The Zero and Span calibration can be checked a variety of different ways. They include:
Manual Zero/Span Check
Zero and Span can be checked from the front panel keyboard. The procedure is in Section 7.1
of this manual.
Automatic Zero/Span Checks
After the appropriate setup, Z/S checks can be performed automatically every night. See
Table 6-6-2 and Section 7.4 of this manual for setup and operation procedures.
Zero/Span checks via remote contact closure
Zero/Span checks can be initiated via remote contact closures on the rear panel. See Section
7.7 of this manual.
Zero/Span via RS-232 port
Z/S checks can be controlled via the RS-232 port. See Section 5.5 of this manual for more