VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Appendix G: Calibration
This section contains calibration procedures for the following modules in the
VX4101A MultiPaqtInstrument:
H Digital Multimeter (DMM)
H Counter
H Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
Calibration for the DMM
The DMM calibration procedure consists of the following:
H Null and gain calibration in all DC ranges
H All AC TRMS (DC Coupled) ranges
H All 4Ćwire resistance ranges and the two current ranges.
An additional 2Ćwire W null calibration in the 30 W range is required and may be
used to compensate for 2Ćwire W field wiring.
Nonzero values specified below may be ±10% of the value specified, with a
maximum value equal the value of the range. Enter the exact value as displayed
on the calibrator (or as measured by an accurate system DMM if a DMM is used
as a transfer standard. The tolerances shown following the applied values below
are the accuracy to which the cal:val command argument must be known. A
calibration standard meeting those accuracies must be used (or an accurate
system DMM used as a transfer standard).
NOTE. See the CALibration:VALue command description in the SCPI Command
section of this user manual for a description of the calibration commands and
additional information about the calibration of the VX4101A DMM.
Between applying an external voltage and sending the cal:val command in the
procedures below, sufficient time should be allowed for both the calibration
source and the VX4101A input circuit to settle to the tolerance shown. A good
way to assure this in an automated program is to take continuous measurements
with the VX4101A DMM after the voltage, resistance or current is applied, make
sure that the reading is stable within a value equal to 25% of the accuracy of the
measurement, and that the VX4101A measurement is reasonable.