1780R-Series Operator’s Manual
Using R–Y Sweep Mode
1. Set the burst to 180_ on the vector graticule. The R–Y compo-
nent of the input signal is viewed on the waveform CRT.
2. Set the front-panel VECT / SCH INPUT selection to SCH, and
the SCH Phase component is added to the R–Y display. The SCH
Phase display is proportional to the amplitude of the R–Y display,
and has a rise time of approximately 70 horizontal lines.
3. With a Field rate sweep selected, the location and relative
magnitude of the field rate SCH Phase errors are viewed. If no
SCH Phase errors are present, the display will be flat for NTSC.
For PAL, the display consists of a perfect 25 Hz sine wave, with
SCH Phase errors seen as deviations from the sine wave.
1780R-Series Operator’s Manual
Using R–Y Sweep Mode
1. Set the burst to 180_ on the vector graticule. The R–Y compo-
nent of the input signal is viewed on the waveform CRT.
2. Set the front-panel VECT / SCH INPUT selection to SCH, and
the SCH Phase component is added to the R–Y display. The SCH
Phase display is proportional to the amplitude of the R–Y display,
and has a rise time of approximately 70 horizontal lines.
3. With a Field rate sweep selected, the location and relative
magnitude of the field rate SCH Phase errors are viewed. If no
SCH Phase errors are present, the display will be flat for NTSC.
For PAL, the display consists of a perfect 25 Hz sine wave, with
SCH Phase errors seen as deviations from the sine wave.