Status and Events
PS2520G and PS2521G Programmer Manual
The programmable power supplies contain two queues: the Output
Queue and the Error/Event queue.
Output Queue
Following IEEE 488.2 protocols, the programmable power supplies
store query responses in the Output Queue. The power supply clears
and resets this queue each time it receives a new command or query
message after a message terminator. The controller must read a query
response before it sends the next command (or query) or it loses
responses to earlier queries.
Error/Event Queue
When an error or event occurs, the Error/Event Queue stores the
message and sets bit 2 of the Status Byte Register high. Enabling this
bit by using the *SRE 4 command causes the event to signal the
GPIB controller with a Service Request (SRQ) signal.
The Error/Event Queue stores and reports the messages on a
first-in-first-out basis. The SYSTem:ERRor? or the
STATus:QUEue[:NEXT]? query reads the next item from the
Error/Event Queue. If the Error/Event Queue overflows, the last
message is -350, Queue overflow"; the queue cannot store or
report subsequent messages until it is read or cleared.
Error Messages
Table 11 lists the SCPI error messages for the programmable power
supplies. The listing includes the equivalent front-panel error code
along with a description of the error message.