
Rinsing the boiler
To extend the efficient operating life of your boiler and avoid scale particles on
your linen, your generator is equipped with an orange “boiler rinse” warning
light that flashes on the control panel after about 10 uses – fig.12.
If the orange “boiler rinse” warning light flashes, you can continue ironing
normally but remember to rinse the boiler first, the next time that you use it.
BBeeffoorree pprroocceeeeddiinngg,, cchheecckk tthhaatt tthhee ggeenneerraattoorr iiss ccooooll aanndd uunnpplluuggggeedd ffoorr mmoorree
tthhaann 22 hhoouurrss..
with the rinsing accessory
Use the accessory provided with the packaged product. It will make it easier to
rinse the boiler as the generator will need less handling.
Your rinsing accessory has been designed to work on a wide range of taps.
Choose the seal (a or b) – fig.13. that is best suited to your tap.
Place your steam generator on the edge of your sink, with the iron to one side,
standing on its heel.
Unscrew anti-clockwise a quarter of a turn the boiler rinse cap cover –
Using a coin, gently unscrew the boiler rinse cap – fig.15.
Place the plastic nozzle of the rinsing pipe into the hole of the boiler and turn
gently to the right until it locks. The outlet of this nozzle must be positioned
over the sink – fig.16.
Attach the other end of the rinsing accessory to your untreated tap – fig.17.
Turn the tap on gently and gradually and let cold water run through the rinsing
pipe into the sink for about 1 minute – fig.18.
Switch off the tap and remove the rinsing pipe.
Screw back and tighten up the boiler rinse cap with a coin.
Put the boiler rinse cap cover back in place.
TThhee nneexxtt ttiimmee yyoouu uussee tthhee ggeenneerraattoorr,, hhoolldd ddoowwnn tthhee rreessttaarrtt bbuuttttoonn ttoo ttuurrnn ooffff
tthhee oorraannggee lliigghhtt
without the rinsing accessory
Place your steam generator on the edge of your sink, with the iron to one side,
standing on its heel.
Unscrew anti-clockwise a quarter of a turn the boiler rinse cap cover –
Using a coin, gently unscrew the boiler rinse cap – fig.15.
Holding your steam generator in a tilted position, and using a jug, fill the boiler
with 1/4 litre of tap water – fig.19.
Shake the base unit for a few moments and then empty it completely into your
sink – fig.20.
To obtain the best result, we recommend that this operation is done twice.
Screw back and tighten up the boiler rinse cap with a coin.
Put the boiler rinse cap cover back in place.
TThhee nneexxtt ttiimmee yyoouu uussee tthhee ggeenneerraattoorr,, hhoolldd ddoowwnn tthhee rreessttaarrtt bbuuttttoonn ttoo ttuurrnn ooffff
tthhee oorraannggee lliigghhtt
Caution! Above all, you
must not use descaling
products to rinse the boiler:
they may damage it.
Before cleaning or
emptying your generator, it
is imperative that you
leave it to cool for more
than 2 hours, to prevent
any risk of burns.