FM indoor antenna i.cl. ed)
This antenna is normally sufficient for reception of FM broad-
FM Indoor antenna
/"-_,,-- Adhesive tape
_FM outdoor antenna .ot i,,cl.dem
The outdoor antenna should be used when using the main unit in
mountainous areas or in spaces enclosed by reinforced concrete
where the FM indoor antenna (included) does not provide
satisfactory reception.
FM outdoor antenna
(not included)
75-ohms coaxial
Attach to a wall (using a tape) facing in the direction of best recep-
--How to connect an FM indoor antenna--
(_ Pull off the plastic on the tip of
the antenna wire. ZZ:E],,--1_EE:_Z_ --_
(_ Twist the wire and connect as _"
shown below. --_'_"_
An outdoor antenna should be installed by a qualified technician
--How to connect a 75-ohms coaxial cable--
(_ Remove a piece of the outer
vinyl insulator.
20 mm (25132")
(_ Twist the shield braid to
expose the core wire.
q_).__ q_l__,,,_ Core wire
10 mm (3/8")
(_ Connect the shield braid and the
core wire as shown at the right.
Shield braid
For best reception sound quality:
An FM outdoor antenna is recommended.
Disconnect the antenna if an FM outdoor antenna is installed.