
Genuine Suzuki Parts and Accessories
Genuine Suzuki Parts and Accessories are your key to total perfor-
mance and boating satisfaction. Suzuki controls and gauges give boaters
the power and information they need to master any day on the water. We
oer a full line of premium quality stainless steel props specically
engineered to maximize the performance and fuel eciency of Suzuki
4-stroke outboards. And you can rely on genuine Suzuki fuel and oil
lters, engine oil and gear oil. Suzuki Marine 4 Cycle Engine Oil oers
your outboard the Ultimate in performance and protection. Our engine
oil meets the advanced NMMA FC-W certication, providing superior
lubrication and the industries most complete panel of anti-corrosion
additives and rust inhibitors.. e Suzuki Modular Instrument System
uses an easy to connect and expandable cable system to transmit graphic
and numerical data to Multi-Function gauges. Easy to set up and
install, these SMIS Multi-Function Gauges display real-time
readings that monitor all engine functions. ese gauges are
also NMEA 2000 compatible, and with the simple push of a
few buttons, access to a wealth of vital data is
right at your ngertips. Here at Suzuki Marine,
we have what you need to keep your Suzuki
outboard running strong season aer season.