
SuuntoSports.com includes three sections with several functions. The
following paragraphs describe only the basic functions of SuuntoSports.
com. You can nd detailed descriptions of all the site functions and ac-
tivities and step-by-step instructions for using them from the site Help.
The Help is available on each page and its icon is located on the right
side of the bar dividing the screen. The Help is frequently updated as
the site develops.
SuuntoSports.com offers several possibilities for searching the informa-
tion on site. In addition to the free search, you can search, for example,
for groups, users, resorts, logs and sports.
The information published on the SuuntoSports.com contains internal
links so that you do not always have to search for the information from
the very beginning. For example, if you view a description of a resort,
you can follow the links and view the resort information sender’s personal
information, logs related to the resort and charts created from the logs, if
the sender has agreed to this information being made public.
My Suunto
The My Suunto section of the site is meant for your personal information.
You can store information about yourself, your wristop computer, your
sporting and training activities, etc. When you upload your personal logs
to SuuntoSports.com they are displayed in your personal information.
Here you can also manage them and decide if they can be presented to
all other community users or just to limited groups.
When you have uploaded logs to SuuntoSports.com, you can create
charts from the dive related data in the logs. You can also publish your
logs and compare them with other users’ logs.
The My Suunto section also contains a personal calendar that you can
use to mark personal events and other useful information.
In the Communities section, SuuntoSports.com users can form or search
groups and manage their own groups. For example, you can create a
group for all your diving friends, and share information about each other’s
trips, give advice and discuss where and when you could go diving to-
gether. Groups can be either open or closed—closed groups mean that
you have to apply for a membership and be accepted, before you can
participate in group activities.