a one hour interval measuring to estimate barometric trend;
· a difference measurement function;
an automatic 4-day memory of atmospheric pressure for the last 6 hours in 1-hour intervals, thereafter, in 6-
hour intervals;
temperature compensation (temperature does not effect the pressure within the specified temperature range)
a temperature range -20° to 60°C or -5° to 140°F; and
a temperature resolution of 1° C or F.
Note: Body heat will effect temperature when the Wristop Computer is worn on the wrist. To achieve an accurate
reading remove the Wristop Computer from the wrist and allow at least 15 minutes before reading the temperature.
If youve been in the barometer mode for more than 15 minutes with no rate of vertical movement, you should
allow 1 hour for the Wristop Computer to adjust the temperature. To acquire a quicker up-date of the temperature,
press the [Mode] button 4 times to re-enter the mode.
To view and use the Barometer mode:
Check the Mode Indicator Bar. If the mode arrow is not on BARO, PRESS the [Mode] button until the arrow is
directly below BARO on the bar.
In the Barometer mode (Fig. 26):
Field 1 displays the current temperature.
Field 2 displays the current absolute atmospheric pressure.
Field 3 displays the current time.
The Outer Circumference graphically displays the atmospheric pressure over 100 millibars or 1 inHg where
one complete circle is equivalent to 100 mbar/1 inHg, depending on the unit of measure chosen.
Note: The absolute pressure is the actual pressure in any location at any given time. Where as, sea level
pressure is the corresponding pressure at sea level.
In the Barometer mode, PRESS the [Select] button once to enter this sub mode.