Model DVC-3 Digital Video Coach
¾ There’s an indicator LED next to the slide switch that comes on
when the output resolution is one of the standard HDTV
resolutions AND the slide switch is in YPbPr.
¾ To operate the unit you use 3 push-button switches. One button is
to walk through all the resolutions and refresh rates that are
available (it is labeled OUTPUT MODE). The other 2 buttons are
used to change the video pattern being generated there are 28
patterns (these buttons are labeled + and -).
¾ To quickly jump to a known resolution (instead of walking
through them one by one using the MODE switch), pressing two
buttons simultaneously jumps to a given resolution/refresh rate.
Pressing the left two buttons gets you to XGA at 60 Hz (and
subsequent pressing of the MODE button will take you up from
there). Pressing the right two buttons gets you to 480p (a standard
HDTV mode). Please note that in these HDTV modes, the DVI is
outputting the proper signal and if the slide switch is in VGA you
are getting RGBHV output and if in YPbPr you get component
video (with sync on Y) and the LED will light to indicate that the
unit is outputting a proper YPbPr output.
¾ If the OSD is not displayed, pressing the MODE button once will
redisplay the current resolution. The resolution will only change
when the OSD is displayed.
¾ Here is a list of output resolutions that the Mode button will walk
you through (there’s an on screen display OSD which indicates the
mode setting):
PC Resolutions
VGA 640 X 480 @ 50/60/72/75/85 Hz
SVGA 800 X 600 @ 50/56/60/72/75/85 Hz
XGA 1024 X 768 @ 50/60/70/75/85 Hz ---- (Quick Select)
WXGA 1280 X 768 @ 50/60 Hz
SXGA 1280 X 1024 @ 50/60 Hz
HDTV Resolutions
480p 720 X 480 @ 50/60 Hz ---- (Quick Select)
576p 720 X 576 @ 50/60 Hz
720p 1280 X 720 @ 50/60 Hz
1080p 1920 X 1080 @ 60 Hz