5-2 Audio
Antenna system
& Printed antenna
Do not use sharp instruments or
window cleaner conta ining abra-
sives to clean the inner surface of
the window on which the antenna is
printed. Doing so may damage the
antenna printed on the window.
The antenna is printed on the inner
surface of the rear window glass.
& FM reception
Although FM is normally static free,
reception can be affected by the surround-
ing area, atmospheric conditions, station
strength and transmitter distance. Build-
ings or other obstructions may cause
momentary static, flutter or station inter-
ference. If reception continues to be
unsatisfactory, switch to a stronger station.
satellite radio reception
(if equipped)
is a continental U.S. based satellite
radio service including music, news,
sports, talk and children’s programming.
provides digital quality audio and
text information, including song title and
artist name. A service fee is required to
receive the XM
service. For more
information, contact XM
www.xmradio.com or call 1-800-
XMRADIO (1-800-967-2346) for U.S.
www.xmradio.ca or call 1-877-GET-XMSR
(1-877-438-9677) for Canada.
The XM
satellite radio receiver that is
fitted to your vehicle receives the neces-
sary signals from two specially designated
satellites that are in a geostationary orbit
over the equator. One satellite covers the
east coast and the other covers the west
coast. Both of them direct their signals
north. These signals are the n relayed
throughout the USA by a network of
ground repeater stations. The satellite
radio signals are transmitted as “line of
sight” signals. Line of sight signals can be
blocked by objects such as buildings, but
the network of repeater stations allows
signal coverage within urban areas such
as cities.