Configuring Spanning Tree Protocol
The Spanning Tree Algorithm requires certain parameter settings
The default settings should be acceptable in most networks. If
you need to change the defaults, proceed as follows:
1. At the Main Menu, type 1 to display the Switch Configuration
2. At the Switch Configuration Menu, type 4 to display the
Spanning Tree Configuration Menu.
3. Type the number of the parameter you want to change. The
system prompts you to enter the new value.
4. Repeat Step 3 until all necessary changes are made.
Returning to Factory Settings
To return your system to factory-set defaults:
1. At the Main Menu, type 4 to display the Utilities Menu.
2. At the Utilities Menu, type 4. The system prompts: “Reset to
factory defaults? (Y/N).”
3. Type Y and the system automatically resets the switch para-
meters and restarts the unit.