Two Port 10/100 Managed Ethernet Switch with 16-Bit Non-PCI CPU Interface
SMSC LAN9311/LAN9311i 53 Revision 1.4 (08-19-08)
TX Status FIFO Overflow
Receive Watchdog Time-Out
Receiver Error
Transmitter Error
TX Data FIFO Underrun
TX Data FIFO Overrun
TX Data FIFO Available
TX Status FIFO Full
TX Status FIFO Level
RX Dropped Frame
RX Data FIFO Level
RX Status FIFO Full
RX Status FIFO Level
In order for a Host MAC interrupt event to trigger the external IRQ interrupt pin, the desired Host MAC
interrupt event must be enabled in the Interrupt Enable Register (INT_EN), and IRQ output must be
enabled via bit 8 (IRQ_EN) of the Interrupt Configuration Register (IRQ_CFG).
Refer to the Interrupt Status Register (INT_STS) on page 175 and Chapter 9, "Host MAC," on page 113
for additional information on bit definitions and Host MAC operation.
5.2.6 Power Management Interrupts
Multiple Power Management Event interrupt sources are provided by the LAN9311/LAN9311i. The top-
level PME_INT (bit 17) of the Interrupt Status Register (INT_STS) provides indication that a Power
Management interrupt event occurred in the Power Management Control Register (PMT_CTRL).
The Power Management Control Register (PMT_CTRL) provides enabling/disabling and status of all
Power Management conditions. These include energy-detect on the Port 1/2 PHYs, and Wake-On-LAN
(wake-up frame or magic packet) detection by the Host MAC.
In order for a Power Management interrupt event to trigger the external IRQ interrupt pin, the desired
Power Management interrupt event must be enabled in the Power Management Control Register
(PMT_CTRL) (bits 15, 14, and/or 9), bit 17 (PME_INT_EN) of the Interrupt Enable Register (INT_EN)
must be set, and IRQ output must be enabled via bit 8 (IRQ_EN) of the Interrupt Configuration Register
For additional details on power management, refer to Section 4.3, "Power Management," on page 46.
5.2.7 General Purpose Timer Interrupt
A General Purpose Timer (GPT) interrupt is provided in the top-level Interrupt Status Register
(INT_STS) and Interrupt Enable Register (INT_EN) (bit 19). This interrupt is issued when the General
Purpose Timer Configuration Register (GPT_CFG) wraps past zero to FFFFh, and is cleared when bit
19 of the Interrupt Status Register (INT_STS) is written with 1.
In order for a General Purpose Timer interrupt event to trigger the external IRQ interrupt pin, the GPT
must be enabled via the bit 29 (TIMER_EN) in the General Purpose Timer Configuration Register
(GPT_CFG), bit 19 of the Interrupt Enable Register (INT_EN) must be set, and IRQ output must be
enabled via bit 8 (IRQ_EN) of the Interrupt Configuration Register (IRQ_CFG).
For additional details on the General Purpose Timer, refer to Section 12.1, "General Purpose Timer,"
on page 162.