2x Be Bb
A.0500.551 – IM-TGMAG/02.00 EN (02/2008)
• Foruidsthatsolidifyorbecomeveryviscous
at ambient temperature, it is best to empty
the pump immediately after shutting down
by separating it from the piping. Always wear
safety goggles and gloves.
• Protectyourselfwithaprotectivecap.The
fluid may spray out of the pump.
• OpentheventingplugsBeandBb.
• Ifnodrainlineisprovided,takeprecautions
so that the liquid is not contaminating the
• OpenthedrainplugBaatthebottomofthepumphousing.
• Letdraintheliquidbygravity.
• Purge pump spaces with flush media or cleaning liquid by connecting a purge system to the
following inlet openings:
- Ba, Be: plugs close to both flanges for purging the pump casing part
- Bb: plug on top of the intermediate cover for purging the magnetic coupling
Note: If toxic liquids were pumped special precautions regarding flushing/cleaning of the pump
and personal protection equipment must be taken before disassembling the pump.
• Re-assembletheplugsandclosethevalves,ifany. Fluid circuits
• Depressurizethejacketsandtheretaininguidcircuits.
• Uncoupletheconnectionstothejackets.
• Ifnecessary,cleanthejacketsandthecircuitswithcompressedair.
• Avoidanyleakageofuidorthermaloilintotheenvironment.
3.21.3 Specific components Nuts and bolts
Nuts and bolts showing damage or parts with defective threading must be removed and replaced
with parts belonging to the same fixation class as soon as possible.
• Preferablyuseatorquewrenchfortightening.
• Forthetighteningtorques,seetablebelow. Plastic or rubber components
• Donotexposecomponentsmadeofrubberorplastic(cables,hoses,seals)totheeffectsofoils,
solvents, cleaning agents or other chemicals unless they are suitable.
• Thesecomponentsmustbereplacediftheyshowsignsofexpansion,shrinkage,hardeningor
other damage. Flat gaskets
• Neverre-useatgaskets.
• Alwaysreplacetheatgasketsandelasticringsundertheplugswithgenuinespares.
Plug with edge and elastic washer
Ma (Nm)
8.8 / A4
Plug with
edge and flat
Ma (Nm)
M6 10 G 1/8 10
M8 25 G 1/4 20
M10 51 G 1/2 50
M12 87 - -
M16 215 - -