Specification Value
NC Class Stainless Cooling Tower
Specifications: Options
Convenience and Safety Options
Guardrail and Ladder:
11.2 Add the following paragraph in
the Access section: The top of the
tower shall be equipped with a sturdy
guardrail, complete with kneerail and
toeboard, designed according to OSHA
guidelines and factory welded into
subassemblies for ease of field instal-
lation. Posts, toprails and kneerails
shall be 38mm square tubing. The
guardrail assembly shall be hot dipped
galvanized after welding and capable
of withstanding a 890N concentrated
live load in any direction. Posts shall
be spaced on centers of 2.4m or less.
A 46cm wide aluminum ladder with
76mm I-beam side rails and 32mm
diameter rungs shall be permanently
attached to the endwall casing of the
tower, rising from the base of the
tower to the top of the guardrail.
Ladder Extension:
11.2 Add the following to the end of the
above paragraph: Provide a ladder
extension for connection to the foot
of the ladder attached to the tower
casing. This extension shall be long
enough to rise from the roof (grade)
level to the base of the tower. The
installing contractor shall be respon-
sible for cutting the ladder to length;
attaching it to the foot of the tower lad-
der; and anchoring it at its base.
Ladder Safety Cage:
11.3 Add the following paragraph in the
Access section: A heavy gauge galva-
nized steel safety cage shall surround
the ladder, extending from a point
approximately 2m above the foot of
the ladder to the top of the guardrail.
Ladder Safety Gate:
10.3 Add the following paragraph in the
Access section: A galvanized steel,
self-closing gate shall be provided at
the guardrail level of the ladder.
■ The NC Class cooling tower has been
designed to minimize the need for mainte-
nance personnel to get on top of the tower
to perform maintenance and inspections.
For the comfort and safety of your operat-
ing personnel, we recommend that you
specify a ladder and guardrail—and that
you require it of all bidders! Although not
required for safe operation by OSHA many
user's own safety rules may dictate these
Outside the tower, stainless steel guardrail
material is not normally considered necessary. If you air quality is
sufficiently poor to warrant stainless steel, change the specifica-
tion wording accordingly.
■ Many towers are installed such that the base of the tower is 61cm
or more above the roof or grade level. This makes it difficult to
get up to the foot of the attached ladder. The ladder extension
alleviates this problem. Marley ladder extensions are available in
standard 1.5m and 3.3m lengths.
■ To meet OSHA guidelines, towers whose fan decks are 6m or
more above roof or grade, and which are equipped with lad-
ders, should have safety cages surrounding the ladders, but with
approximately 2m clear headroom.
Outside the tower, stainless steel safety cage material is not
normally considered necessary. If you air quality is sufficiently
poor to warrant stainless steel, change the specification wording
■ A galvanized self-closing gate located at the guardrail level of
the fan deck, exterior motor access platform and access door
platform. Stainless steel is available with the stainless guardrail