
Quick Start Guide
2 Select the Settings page.
3 Select Display Type....
4 Select Change... from the display options.
5 Select Have Disk...
6 NT 4.0 will prompt you for the correct path. Enter D:\driv-all\ati-pro\winnt where D: is the drive
containing the SOYO CD.
7 A list of [ATI] graphics accelerators will be displayed. Select the [ATI RAGE PRO TURBO AGP
2x], then click the OK button.
8 Windows NT 4.0 will once again prompt for confirmation. All appropriate files are then copied to
the hard disk.
9 Restart Windows NT 4.0. Windows NT 4.0 will start up using the ATI drivers.
10 NT 4.0 will boot into a default mode and start the Display applet allowing for mode selection.
Note: If you select a color depth or resolution not supported by your card, NT 4.0 will substitute
640x480 in 256 colors for the display.
Ø Uninstalling the Windows NT 4.0 drivers
u How to uninstall the ATI Windows NT 4.0 Device Driver.
There are TWO ways to do this without re-installing Windows NT 4.0.
l first method:
1. Use Dos mode to go to the following directory:
2. And Rename the following file:
ren ATI.sys ATI.ati
Windows NT 4.0 looks for ATI.SYS drivers at boot time, so if it cannot find it, it cannot use it.
l second method:
While running Windows NT 4.0, execute the Win NT Setup program. Select a NON-ATI driver (try VGA-