BIOS Setup 25
EDO RAS# Precharge
Use the default setting.
EDO DRAM Read Burst Use the default setting.
DRAM Write Burst Use the default setting.
DRAM Data Integrity
Choose Non-ECC (default) or ECC
according to the DRAM type you have.
Use the default setting.
System BIOS Cacheable Disabled: The ROM area F0000H-
FFFFFH is not cached.
Enabled: The ROM area F0000H-
FFFFFH is cacheable if cache
controller is enabled.
Video BIOS Cacheable Disabled: The video BIOS C0000H-
C7FFFH is not cached.
Enabled: The video BIOS C0000H-
C7FFFH is cacheable if cache
controller is enabled.
8Bit I/O Recovery Time Use the default setting.
16Bit I/O Recovery Time Use the default setting.
Memory Hole At 15M-
Choose Enabled or Disabled (default).
Some interface cards will map their ROM
address to this area. If this occurs, you
should select Enabled, otherwise use
Passive Release Use the default setting.
Delayed Transaction Use the default setting.
AGP Aperture Size AGP could use the DRAM as its video
RAM. Choose the DRAM size that you
want it to be used as video RAM. The
range is from 4MB to 256MB.