Items Functions
Copies Specify the number of copies
to be printed.
Specify the percentage to
enlarge or reduce the
size of an image when
You can set the reference
point when an image is
enlarged or reduced by
checking “Upper left
• When unchecked, an
image is enlarged or
reduced with the center as
the reference point.
Usually, use this option.
When checked, an image is
enlarged or reduced with
the upper left corner as the
reference point.
Print preview
Check this option to display
a preview of an image before
5 In the “Paper/Output” tab, specify
the paper size.
Items Functions
Paper size
From the drop-down list box,
select the paper size you
actually use for printing:
•P size
•L size
Then check either of the
following to specify the
margins around the image:
• with border: an image is
printed with borders
around it.
• borderless: an image is
printed without borders
around it.
The settings in the properties
dialog box will be reflected in
the Print dialog box.
Select the orientation of an
image when printed:
• Rotates 180 degrees